Leigh Hampton's 6th Birthday party! Unlimited pins. 6 lanes no waiting. 6 years of joy to celebrate. What more
could you ask for from a birthday party?
"Yes, I can even make a spare from my knees...this game is such a breeze"
Leigh Hampton blows out the candles on her cake.
Nothing like 10,000 frames of bowling in 20 minutes to build up an appetite!
Pizza, the new main staple of bowling.
Leigh Hampton demonstrates her famous sidearm technique of pin destruction.
The Bowling Sisters...maybe one day these pictures will be hanging on the walls of the family seafood restaurant in Ft. Walton!
Leigh Hampton mugs for the camera as Cameron attempts to raise the Spirit of Taste from the bowling alley pizza.
Cameron investigates a way to modify the computing system guaranteeing her two points for every pin.
The proud daddy looks on with pride as Harrison picks up a triple-gutter-bumper-spare
The proud Uncle, who was slightly addicted to the thrill of bowling for an hour, in one of his rare appearances in front of the camera.
"Yes, Harrison, that is what you call a strike...It counts the same now as it does when I was your age"
Harrison loves off his sore noggin' (slick-floor meets slicker-shoes related injury) with TLC from Big Daddy!
The birthday girl!!! Six years young!
Amazingly, there were no broken toes during the matches.... thank goodness for children's steel-toed bowling shoes.
The bowling party takes a break from the heated competition as they watch their bowling balls roll backwards up the lanes.
Leigh Hampton opens her gift from Uncle Dale
Leigh Hampton opens her gift of a Madeline doll and clothes from Grandmommy and Granddaddy
Leigh Hampton opens her gift from Uncle Dale and Gary, Cameron and Harrison look on.
"Yes, I can even make a spare from my knees...this game is such a breeze"